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Vis-a-Vis the face

Our mugs a.k.a faces can be very fascinating. If you think about it, with a finite set of two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears, shape of the face and ok, let's throw in two cheek bones too - the permutation and combination of all of the above ends up what's unique to each of us. Forget the science, just aesthetically, it's mind-boggling. Don't you agree?

Also, how we identify a familiar face in a crowd, instantly go through our brain's database, recognize that mug along with a name and that too, all under a minute (for most people) is beyond wonderment. For bumblers like me though, sometimes it could take longer than a minute.... or othertimes, how could take, hmmm, maybe never?

Warning: An oxymoronic "funnily-sad", but true story coming up.

I can never, ever forget the night of my wedding party. Maybe it was the bright lights or rich food, whatever, but I felt that my grey cells were starting to melt. So much was thawing away that when my office co-workers turned up at the party, and I the host had to inroduce them to my new spouse, my nerves just paralyzed. And I couldn't remember any of their names. Not even one of them. This is how the whole evening would go. I'll start hopefully, "This is ____". And, then....Blank. Blank. Blank. Sheepish grin. Silly giggle. Strain and rack the brains. Blank. Blank. Blank. By then, I'd give up all hope. And, my poor colleagues would voluntarily introduce themselves. They had to. There was no choice. Grossly embarassing moment in my life.

Since then, I've resigned to the fact that on crucial matters like these, my brain can be totally trusted to just freeze completely and make a complete ass of itself. And, I personally have no say in it.

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