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A Soliloquoy on Monotony....

Bored of the monotony.

Take the visual effect around you. Same well-manicured trees, streets everywhere. Same stores, malls, gas stations. Skyscrapers, buildings. Houses look the same too. People are not wearing clothes any more colorful than dull, gray pigeons. We might as well be the largest collection of human clones ever. And, I bet you can go anywhere in America and it'll be the same. Save few vibrant cities like Frisco or the Big Apple.

Everyday life is more of a humdrum. Same chores, same work. Restaurants, parties are hardly different. No variety, whatsoever. If you listen closely, you can even hear a droning, machine sound in the background. You say, what about taking a break? Yeah, vacations are great, but you got to return sometime. And, let the noisy drone begin.

Maybe, there is something called "too much of a routine"? Interestingly, when we moved from India and landed in the US, this was what appealed to me most. I loved the certainty that life gives, a guarantee that things would go according to a set plan - far away from a chaotic no-rule land that I was used to. But, not anymore. My nerves are wrecked. Mind craves a little change from the ordinary, a wish to see different walks of life, breathe fresher air everyday. At the least, I want to see vibrant colors of clothing and houses that do not look the same. So, imperfections and irregularities, here I come.

Hope our move back home would satisfy my craving. Or, maybe things have changed out there with so much aping of the west, that it may all be a pipe dream. Don't know, don't care. Gotta try, at least.

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