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Showing posts from 2015

Balancing those beams....

We do this every day, right? Tread those egg shells? Walk that thin line between what we think is right, and what's a big no-no. Or, do something which seem perfect at Life Point X, but, when we overdo and it becomes negative, turns into an inverted bell curve at Life Point Y? Read on. Here are some random examples on this train of thought, collected on this random day- Share our life experiences and think it's of major help to someone, without sounding preachy, a bore, and being a major put off. Gain self-confidence and turn it into positive self-esteem, without getting snotty, arrogant, and again, a major put off. Be that voice of reason to friends and family, without people start hating it eventually. Love our kids deeply and passionately, without smothering and killing the relationship that they run away and away from us. This of course, sometimes can make us chase them more, until they flee to the tall peaks of Machu Pichu. But, sorry children - love can...

On Equality....

So much hoopla about womanhood, feminism, and what's right or wrong, extreme or mild versions of it, am suddenly feeling a urge to clarify my views on this topic. Quite bizarrestrangoweird that it never crossed my mind all these donkey's years, to actually think of what being a woman meant to me, leave alone write about it. Anyways, let me just sit down and make an attempt to de-clutter all the muck and mud surrounding this mess. One word pretty much bottoms it down, and I've given away the punchline in my title anyway-  EQUALITY.  As simple as that. What goes for the goose goes for the gander. Except, what both genders physiologically can and can't do- pregnancy and childbirth, hormones, work that involves upper body strength etc. Even the latter is kind of debatable, with sports being a levelling field right now - yes, that was meant to be "punny" :-) Anything else that is possible for both genders, like education, work, choosing a life pa...

You and your compass....

Let's talk about what each and every one of us have within ourselves. That deep, down voice that tells us strongly what to do, not to do, what we ought to do but choose not to and regret later on with a "I-told-me-so", things that we wish to do but dare not try in our get the drift. Yes, it is that all-pervading, metaphorical inner compass, or the SatNavs of our lives that I'm getting into. Young adults  think they have an independent mind, and do and act that way. In reality, though, in most of the cases, it's not even of their own choice, but out of peer pressure. Which interestingly, brings a point- whose collective, mob voice is it then? If everyone is busy copying someone else doing the same, then who the heck started the fire? No clue, but let's assume for sanity's sake that some life form starts a trend which gets viral, bacterial, whatever. And, suddenly there's a strong urge that compels every youngster to do it ...

Envy Vs Jealousy

No big deal, one would think? Well, one's wrong and one has to think again. There's enough difference between the two, to make wordsmiths uncontrollably weep with tears of joy or split their white hairs. Don't believe me? Prepare yourself for this earth-shaking (at least in my mind) discovery. Envy is when we badly want or desire what someone else has- yes, it's that new house, new car, dress, whatever other people have and we don't. It's interesting to note that we never look at those way above our strata - so, those helipadders, penthouse owners or exotic island hoppers never come in our radar because our brain has knocked off those from our check list way back. Those below our own levels don't even come into the picture simply because, it defies the very definition of what we are trying to define. So, who's left, you say? The fellow humans who come from our similar background, and have lead similar lives, make money more or less like ...