There are two things in life i'm very passionate about - one, a good cuppa coffee and the other, any views or opinions (mine or of anything that walks on two legs).
Both are crucial to my existence, i'll tell you why. Without a heavy dose of caffeine in the morning, am nowhere ready to face the world yet - au contraire, hey, i see no one craving to see my crabby personna either. Fair enough. Anyways, I can go on and on about how coffee wakens my sleeping brain cells from yonder and beyond, how I'd have no problems living in a deserted island if only someone can supply my three cups every day (side note- for the wisecracks, thinking: how could coffee get there? Answer: I don't care, this is only a hyperbole and do me a favor, please don't think so much) or what i honestly feel about people who don't drink coffee (if forced to write about them, i'd be exceeding my expletive quota for this blog) - ok, hopefully, you get the idea by now.
Now, moving on to my other object of this bizarre relationship - opinions. Most people in the civilized world have them -on personal, social, political, philosophical, religious, almost everything under the universe. It's a healthy habit, to be strongly encouraged and shows that those gray matter at the top have actually been working. Some people hold it in and think it's a crime to share them with others, some come out with it after gentle, sustained prodding, and then, there are people that are waiting to tell you the minute you give yours, and the brashy ones that are loud-mouthed who don't have any clue how airing their views will affect their audience. You can see how it's a mixed-bag, with possibly extreme variations. I usually enjoy all of them, try best not to get judgemental if they're opposite to my own views, and especially savor the juicy ones that are doled out with a lot of emotion.