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Showing posts from March, 2011

Coffee & Opinions

There are two things in life i'm very passionate about - one, a good cuppa coffee and the other, any views or opinions (mine or of anything that walks on two legs).  Both are crucial to my existence, i'll tell you why. Without a heavy dose of caffeine in the morning, am nowhere ready to face the world yet - au contraire, hey, i see no one craving to see my crabby personna either. Fair enough. Anyways, I can go on and on about how coffee wakens my sleeping brain cells from yonder and beyond, how I'd have no problems living in a deserted island if only someone can supply my three cups every day ( side note - for the wisecracks, thinking: how could coffee get there? Answer: I don't care, this is only a hyperbole and do me a favor, please don't think so much) or what i honestly feel about people who don't drink coffee (if forced to write about them, i'd be exceeding my expletive quota for this blog) - ok, hopefully, you get the idea by now. ...