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Showing posts from May, 2008

Time and Relativity....

Great title, hah? But, if you think I'm starting a discussion on Einstein's theory or anything remotely sounding scientific.... are on the wrong blog. Why? Because I'd have no clue what I'm talking about. That's why. On that bright note, here's the actual quote from the genuis himself - " When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." I just wanted to see if this quote can be stretched onto other similar real life analogies. How about these? When you're shopping at the mall, 5 hours seems like 10 mts. Unless your wallet gets stolen, you shout with a maniacal laughter - Yoohoo, Yipee! I wish I had some more time. If you're waiting for a friend at the same shopping mall, a mere 10 minutes, (yeah, yeah, it includes cursing time) seems like a 5 hour cruelty. When your child is performing at a school play, 2 minutes of his/her act seem ...

Fashion Mishaps...

I'm scared. Butterflies in my stomach jittery. Honestly. About what? Fashion woes, what else? The past few years, it's been a little nerve-wracking whenever I went back to India on vacation. It was odd that even my home city Chennai (whose heightened sense of fashion was somewhere close to stone age) had started changing rapidly. The dresses that I wore which were decently passable in the US, were getting scorned at and forcing deep sighs from all. Some sympathetic relatives even politely offered to buy some new clothes, if I could not afford them. Whoa, that did it. I'm usually not that bright, but something told me that my sense of style should take a huge hike and never come back. I decided that my passe clothes need to be burned right away before they continue to pollute Mother Earth. And, of course, the poor accessories had to be tossed in the bonfire too. I started on a savvy shopping spree, with a burning passion to turn into tres chic . Brand names to buy, fas...

Gossips Galore...

Let me shamelessly admit. I love them all. Harmless tidbits involving movie stars, Tv stars or anyone famous than me (which the last time I checked, shockingly includes most of the adult population) would be great for starters. If you're like me who loves to go through the gossip mags on shelves or even better, browse useless online web sites, but consciously pretend you never ever read them, please raise your hands. Ok, keep up the good work of "Mission TattleTalk" from getting destroyed by those bland non-gossipers. Who by the way, are really leading pathetic, platonic lives. Not even worth gossiping about. Back to juicy sound bytes, there are those personalized ones like getting the latest updates on our relatives and friends back home in India. Where, thanks to a zero-tolerance policy to privacy of life, everyone seems to have a deep, insightful knowledge of what the others around them are doing - who lost their job, who got married and living unhappily ever afte...