There's only a thin, pencil, marginal, fine line between the two. Let me clarify. You see people with a lot of pride in who they are and what they do. These are the ones that not only sound confident, but also act that way in whatever they do. Graceful and giving others a chance to talk. More often, they don't even care what you think of them. You take one look at that them and go....."Wow, I'd kill someone to get that smug, smart look". They are our ideal idols, gurus, get the picture. On the other hand, you see the other kind of people. Lots of self-confidence. Check. But wait a minute, what's this tagging along? A nasty overdose of attitude. Hmmph. Now, the scale tips all the way to a different category - arrogance. People who are immediate put-offs and downright annoying. If they are in an airplane seated next to you, jumping off into the troposphere doesn't seem to be a bad idea to you at all. Hey, at least birds don't brag. Get...